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what is home to you?

I decided to post on my instagram story the question 'what is home to you?'

I wanted to gain an insight from people of my demographic/social media users to see what home means to them. The responses were lovely to read, very honest and thoughtful. Below I have documented the answers and will use them as content in my editorial.


Where you feel most comfortable

Where the mountains are

A feeling - coming from a person with multiple homes


Condensation on my damp rental windows

A safe space

My pet plant Tony

Home is where I feel most comfortable and where I can spend time in my own company

The space where I can truly be myself


0 pressure

My house

Where my mum is

Wherever my friends and fam are

Home to me isn’t just about a house or where I live, I think it’s anywhere I feel comfortable in my surroundings- especially if I feel secure around the people there. For example my workplace feels like a home for this exact reason. I’d say it’s a fluid thing for me, not necessarily a fixed place x

Home to me is wherever I’m living at that time- I manage to settle myself and create that ‘home’ feeling wherever I’m living. The house I’m living in now is my 16th house in 22 years and my 12th rental, so I’ve just had to adapt over the years and try to create a personal space with whatever I have. Living in furnished rentals, you always get quirky features and strange furniture, but I just try to make my space a comfortable, clean and calm environment with the stuff I have.

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