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the future of renting

I attended a talk at the Design Museum to support the current Home Futures exhibition being shown at the gallery.

Soaring house prices and stagnant wages put the dream of owning a home out of reach for many people, especially the young. Recent reports show that London will become a city of renters by 2025. How are designers responding to the new renting market? ‘Generation rent’ has put up with sub-standard living conditions for far too long. It is imperative that designers, brands and thought leaders are responding to the growing demands of the rental market to create a fairer, more progressive and desirable life for home renters. Speakers will reflect on how the home is being affected by fundamental shifts in the renting market and why product design needs to work harder than ever in rental accommodation to adhere to flexible/fluid living situations.

The talk was chaired by Justin McGuirk, the chief curator of the design museum. The panel was formed of 3 guests - Maria Jonsson, a researcher for IKEA's Life at Home project, Jamiee Williams - an architect for SPACE10 and Nicholas Lobo Brennan - co-founder of Apparata architects and currently running a housing project with Grayson Perry in East London.

Notes from the session -

One shared house 2030

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