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Updated: Jun 4, 2019

Book: Process - A Tomato Project

"This text encompasses Tomato's output in its first five years. Each spread reflects the personal journeys and designs that form the graphic and commercial work of Tomato. In part an eclectic mixture of artistic concepts and working ideas which offer a glimpse into the creative processes that inform the projects, this text's formulation is unified by a single, mutating typographic text line around which the team's individual contributions revolve."

‘The process stays alive; it makes us human. Thinking, acting, thinking again, accepting or refusing. We know it already. We have always known it, but we needed to apply our thoughts to our methods. We are all people. The thought is the process. The act is the process. We are people, not definitions, or even things. This is us, and we are in this world, and we are in this world together.’

This quote underpins so much of what I wanted to portray with this project. Using process to explore a more human side of design - my project exploring comfort and anxiety is trying to achieve exactly this. I love the experimental and disciplinary nature of this book and the studio's practice.

Levi's campaign - 1995

Collage, mixed media and using scanning to recreate images.

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