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objectifying anxiety

Updated: May 20, 2019

After the first session, I decided to continue with the idea of exploring people's ways of coping with anxiety and panic, and the objects or other 'weird' habits we use to feel less anxious.


  • Make it powerful, but make it positive and a mode of help

  • Making a feeling material, what makes you feel better

  • Our generation can feel tend to feel like anxiety is an ‘epidemic’ or something that has happened to us, however it’s something within us and we all have our own unique ways of coping.

Objectify - a word usually reserved for negative associations with women in particular. This word came to me as I tried to describe how to make a feeling into a material representation of this feeling.

I find this word a really interesting one to use in relation to anxiety - as objectification can be such a negative, derogatory thing - using it in a way to open up a conversation about something as difficult as anxiety seems interesting to me.


  • Normalise the ‘weird’ habits we have to make us feel better when we’re anxious, in the hope that it will help people to feel more able to cope with their overwhelming feelings of anxiety

  • From the view of other people and myself. People who mean the most to me, and with whom I have these conversations with regularly.

  • Opening up these conversations will create an interesting, inclusive and bonding dialogue between me and the people I want to engage.

  • My job will be a data collector, interviewer and curator of content

  • A powerful 500-1000 word forward will start the book, no contents page needed, simply a written piece about anxiety and what it can do to me and my friends, and how we can take care of each other.

  • Need to think of a way of best collecting information.

I decided to create a rationale/descriptive poster to send out to people to receive their thoughts/ideas/objects about this concept of objectifying their anxiety.

I also made a tumblr site, specifically for image submissions to create a digital space for these concepts to be collected.

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