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After our tutorial presenting our 3 separate treatments, we decided to go forward to create our short film based around Hannah and Liv’s treatment – a piece of text constructed from a conversation overheard on the bus. From here, we wrote a new overview for the film, and collected elements of the separate treatments to create a final group idea, ready to create more specific artboards and write the storyboard.

Here is a more specific overview and treatment describing the short film we intend to create.


Our short film will explore how we are connected to everyone around us. Our aim is to represent these connections through an overhead conversation on the number 12 bus that evokes feelings of nostalgia and self reflection. What we want the audience to appreciate about living in a city like London is that when we actually stop and listen, observe and engage with the world outside ourselves we can come to understand how we are all connected to each other by relatable personal experiences and memories. The conversation we have based this short film off is between a father and son. It is a normal, everyday relationship but we will produce a sense of intimacy between the audience and the characters. It isn’t dramatic. It isn’t romanticised. It’s relatable and allows us to consider our own relationships and connections to those in our lives. The conversation is a memory our main character has of talking to his Dad on the number 12 bus. It’s a child being mystified by the world surrounding him and a Dad providing all the knowledge to unlocking this world. The visuals of the film are in the present day. It’s the son, now grown up understanding the world a little better and remembering the person that aided his self discoveries. It’s the Father, still there but now they meet as equals, both able to appreciate the turbulence of life and how the world still remains partly a mystery.


Through the use of a hyperrealistic style and calculated use of morning/evening lighting, we hope to create a sad yet rewarding ambience throughout this film which helps perfectly illustrate the relationship between father and son whilst touching on the constraints of masculinity. The voiceover proves a key element in echoing the self reflection and nostalgia of our lead character and with the use of a handheld, the film will communicate an intimate observation into his life as a man. As a son.

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