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After defining our main film ideas, we decided to split into 3 pairs and create a treatment for each. This allows each pair to fully engage with their film idea and explore all avenues before deciding on a final decision and creating storyboards.

Hannah and Liv decided to create their treatment around a piece of written text – a conversation overheard on the bus. Charlene and Dan used ‘The Painting’ idea to base their treatment.

Daria and I decided to create a treatment around the idea based around anxiety – the panic/anxiousness associated with the competitive atmosphere London fosters. I think this is a really exciting subject as it allows creative freedom within visuals and sound yet real feeling can be created from these variables. 

Moodboards to explore tone, mood, lighting, camera & locations

Films for reference

Everyday – Gustav Johansson

  • This film follows a couple/friends discussing over the phone ‘If I had an extra day, I would…’ For me, this touches on the lack of time we all feel living in London. A city-wide condition/opinion?

  • Gain perspective

  • About the wants of city dwellers? Ask each other and the general public.. what would you do with an extra day? – Could write a script from this.

Just a Minute – Gustav Johansson

  • Colour grading is lovely

  • Fun, playful aspect which is enjoyable to watch

Lift – Marc Isaacs

  • One location, London tower block lift. Portrait of a vertical community.

  • Documentary style; niche location/unrecognised interactions rather than following one individual?

Ciprien Gaillard – Nightlife

  • Beautiful colours, ambiguity of subject at first. Includes no people/dialogue yet it’s so clear this film is set in a city.

  • Interesting title. This makes me think about how important nightlife is in the city, and the colour grading/lighting conveys this mood well.

The Blaze – Territory (DOP – Benoit Soler)

  • Raw emotions yet calmness, music reflects this.

  • Relationships very important

  • Toxic masculinity explored

  • Beautiful shots, wide scenes of the city. Ambiguity of narrative or story line yet really engages the viewer.

Nabil Elderkin – Vince Staples Primadonna

  • This 10 minute music video takes the watcher on a journey through bizarre scenes, locations and sets. I really like how clear the urban context is, using mainly light and camera work.

  • Orange hints everywhere to keep a theme running throughout, lovely colour grading and film direction.

AG Rojas Skrillex & Diplo – To Ü ft AlunaGeorge Days of Kindness

  • Handheld filming, emotive music, story-driven filmmaking

  • Days of kindness – Leonard Cohen poem about Greece and a sense of place, narrated over filmed shots of the place – but ambiguous location

Initial ideas:


Telling stories of people – cuts to lots of people/relationships Fear of missing out in the city. Not enough time, extremely fast pace of life, comparison, under pressure. Relationship with the city – running out of time, clocks, thoughts. Day/night and the connotations these hold within London – ‘the city knows’, nightlife Everything happens for a reason

Written text to inform narrative – a selection of related poetry

Felix Gonzales-Torres Lovers 1988

Don’t be afraid of the clocks, they are our time, time has been so generous to us. We imprinted time with the sweet taste of victory. We conquered fate by meeting at a certain TIME in a certain space. We are a product of the time, therefore we give back credit where it is due: time.

We are synchronised, now and forever.

I love you.

Leonard Cohen Days of Kindness

Greece is a good place To look at the moon, isnt it You can read by moonlight You can read on the terrace You can see a face As you saw it when you were young There was good light then Oil lamps and candles And those little flames That floated on a cork in olive oil What I loved in my old life I havent forgotten It lives in my spine Marianne and the child The days of kindness It rises in my spine And it manifests as tears I pray that a loving memory Exists for them too The precious ones I overthrew For an education in the world


Do you ever feel lonely? Of course I do Then think of billy He’s lonely too Lives in a city Population ONE

– Goldsmiths CCA exhibition

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